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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2927
Joined: Sep. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2015,21:27   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ Oct. 26 2015,20:54)
Quote (JohnW @ Oct. 26 2015,15:48)
I know Postrado is the front runner for the next Nobel Prize for Silly, but Mapou's putting in a strong challenge.

Mapou is also putting in a strong bid for Dick Of The Year too.  He copied the Zachriel "outing" information from Joe G's website and reposted it at UD.  I won't link to it but even several of the regulars spoke up that it wasn't a good idea.  

Then to put toss his asshat into the ring for Hypocrite Of The Year he added this gem while posting under the pseudonym "Mapou":

 "Outing? Anybody who hides behind a pseudonym in order to spread lies is a gutless swine and should be outed, among other things.

There's not enough facepalms in the world.

Isn't this the same guy (Louis) who defends Kairos (don't call me Gordon Mullings) Focus when he complains about being outed, even after he has slandered someone?

Rhetorical question.

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