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  Topic: MrIntelligentDesign, Edgar Postrado's new Intelligent Design< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 20 2015,08:16   

Hello Edgar

I understand you're a very busy person so I have taken the liberty of drafting a letter nominating yourself for a Noble prize in Science. Now as I’m sure you are aware the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences while being responsible for the nominations has various arbitrary rules for said nominations. So as to process your claim in the most expedient manner I suggest you nominate which branch of science you would prefer your Noble prize be awarded. You might want to consider Chemistry which is pretty damn prestigious however Physics I believe has more cache since all the really big names which everyone remembers are physicists. But for your idea they might be less stringent if you choose Chemistry since you don’t want a bunch of cranky old buggers dissing your stuff in public if they get wind of you pulling down the big one. It’s your choice just tick the box in the letter. Now you don’t have to worry about the postage I’ll cover that but you can buy me a cheeseburger next time round if you like. Also they will want your postal address so can I just put down Japan? Someone as important as you even in Japan should be well known, am I right? Maybe if you can just say which apartment block you are in to help the local postal delivery people so you are guaranteed of getting that important letter when it arrives. Isn’t the street numbering system in Japan a bit strange anyway? The buildings aren’t numbered sequentially but in the order in which they were built. I remember reading about that when I was there a couple of years ago. Have you ever been to that barbeque seafood restaurant under the railway line between the Imperial Hotel and the Ginza in Tokyo? What a great place that is eh?  In any case PM me with your address so I can include it. Now they may want to know about your peer reviewed publications, so can I just put down you won’t be including them because they were dumb? Not the publications of course! Haha! No I mean the peer reviewers. They should be able to find the ones on Amazon by themselves if I just say “They’re on Amazon have a look”.

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Box 50005
SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden

Ed Postardo

To whom it may concern,
Please send at your earliest convenience a Chemistry/Physics (Edgar just strike out whichever is not applicable) Noble prize nomination form to my address above (Edgar to provide). My recent discoveries are well documented on Amazon look it up. I look forward to your early reply before the end of October since I don’t want to miss out this year.
All the best and kind regards

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