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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 17 2015,17:21   

And somehow you managed to ignore the fact that the result of the incredibly expensive effort still turned out to be a big yawn in cognitive science. More like beginners work we have already seen before so many times it's not even news anymore:

No, I caught that.  However, we haven't seen work of this quality before, which is mostly why it is news, along with the unprecedented degree and originality of their ground-truthing. This is early days on something extremely complex, so I'm happy to view it as a promising start.

However, consider what it says about your pile of nonsense.  They had 82 experts, did a huge amount of ground-truthing to make sure it matched reality, and stretched their computational limits.  Compared to that you are just peeing into a hurricane, because you haven't done anything to ground truth your rubbish and ensure its accuracy.  You've modelled (supposedly) a hippocampus (not that it is in any degree an accurate representation) into a creature that does not even have one.  You are a three-year-old who drew a blob for a head on a stick figure and called it Daddy, and now you want it displayed in the Louvre with the Raphaels, Titians, and Davids.

In your case the phrase "ground-truth" can be defined as limiting yourself to what is already known and written about in papers. Nothing original is even allowed. You end up applauding hype that makes it seem like the UK project already discovered all the secrets of the brain and cognitive science can stop now, its researchers are no longer needed and must find new jobs now that there is no need to fund further research.
You are spouting BS like it means something again Gary.  That's getting to be a bad habit with you.  Much more of it, and people may start reflexively doubting whatever you say, just on general principles. The authors were quite explicit about the unprecedented and original degree of ground-truthing that they did.  Again, it's early days for this work, so there's plenty still to do.

Also, it was a Swiss project (although it included some scientists from the UK, along with numerous other countries).  Can't you read?

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