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  Topic: MrIntelligentDesign, Edgar Postrado's new Intelligent Design< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 13 2015,16:38   

Quote (NoName @ Oct. 13 2015,16:31)
[quote=MrIntelligentDesign,Oct. 13 2015,17:24][quote=dazz,Oct. 13 2015,10:41]
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 12 2015,22:56)
Quote (dazz @ Oct. 12 2015,15:52)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 12 2015,22:45)
Quote (dazz @ Oct. 12 2015,10:40)

Did you use the egg-tissue experiment in your book as evidence to support your intelen/naturen categorization? Yes or no?


Then why don't you publish that retraction?

If that experiment is evidence for your intelen/naturen categorization based on the number of solutions to a problem, then your experiment should produce consistent results for ANY problem and ANY solution(s)

If I try with a more intelligent solution (some soft material), I found that I could solve the problem without needing more than one paper tissue.

I also found that, using paper tissues, I could reproduce your results and one single paper tissue was enough if what I wanted (the problem) was to break the egg. I fact, I managed to break the egg with NO tissues, rags or any extra elements!

So I experimentally tested your theory and found problems with 0, 1 and more than 1 solutions.

This clearly falsifies your theory because it shows that the number of solutions, defined and applied exactly as per your own instructions in your book, is independent of the "intelligence" involved in the experiment.

Therefore, you must retract your work and apologize A.S.A.P.

Did you read my science book in which I explained my egg-tissue experiment?

If not, then, you had no idea of what you are saying!

YOU ARE REALLY RETARD who conclude something without fully knowing it well!

Why are you not presenting it here?
Why on earth should anyone buy your books?
Based on what you post here, there's not a single reason to, other than perhaps to have a good laugh and to scoff at how bad your skills with words, with logic, with evidence, reasoning, etc., all are.

Present your experiment, in sufficient detail that anyone can reproduce it.

Acknowledge that your foundational argument is an argument from ignorance.  We can never know that we have found all possible solutions to any particular problem, which means that we can never be certain that we have correctly distinguished 'intellen' from 'naturen'.

I am presenting here simple thing and I reserve the expeirnt for those who bought my book.

The best demonstration for intelligence is eating because hungry..


Is eating because hungry is an intelligent action or not?

You could not even answer it! But when I explained it to you, you refused to accept!

But you could NOT explain it nor you don't have replacement!


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