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  Topic: MrIntelligentDesign, Edgar Postrado's new Intelligent Design< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2015,07:25   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 06 2015,02:23)
Quote (The whole truth @ Oct. 06 2015,01:24)
"In the new Intelligent Design <id>, the way you solve the problem with more solutions is called a principle. A principle is a method. Only an agent that knows intelligent knows this method."

Edgar, before this universe existed, was the non-existence of this universe a "problem"? If so, how many "solutions" did the "IA" (intelligent agent) use to solve the problem?

WOW!! You have a right question and a good question.

Actually, I've been lingering that question for almost three years in my mind after I discovered the real intelligence.

Yes, in the new intelligence that I've discovered, intelligence is always asymmetrical phenomenon..

If you write it in problem-solution idea, you will end like this

Existence = problem/solution

But if we apply that to the universe and Cosmos, the non-existence of universe and Cosmos are the collective problem.

The solution is the universe and Cosmos...thus, symmetrical but in the making of universe, the IA used a dual nature of particle and the IA had used an asymmetrical idea of

non-existence/ asymmetrical.

If there is no IA, it is predicted that there will be no existence...

or there will always be an existence...but you will never have existence if you don't have non-existence, thus, through this, intelligence predicts that

1. IA, aka God, exists
2. IA had designed the universe and intellen

That is why I am here for you to help me if I'm right or wrong...but so far, I'm still right since no one had ever find a replacement for my new discoveries...


I have some other questions for you: Do you believe that this universe is the only one that exists and the only one that has ever existed? If so, do you see that as a "problem" that needs a "solution"? If you believe that other universes exist, how many universes do you believe there are? If 10 universes exist, why not 11? If a billion universes exist, why not a billion and one? If there are not an infinite number of universes in existence at all times, is that a "problem" that needs a "solution"? If the "IA" (aka intelligent designer, aka 'God') can create one universe, it must be able to create more universes and it must be able to create an infinite number of universes, right?

By the way, according to the bible (the so-called 'word of God' that your christian beliefs are based on) 'God' spoke this universe (including everything in it) into existence. 'God' did just one thing (spoke) to create everything. That's just one "solution" to the "problem", so 'God' must not be intelligent and must not have used intelligence to design-create anything or everything, right?

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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