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  Topic: MrIntelligentDesign, Edgar Postrado's new Intelligent Design< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2015,07:17   

Quote (NoName @ Oct. 04 2015,07:07)
[quote=MrIntelligentDesign,Oct. 03 2015,21:57]
Quote (NoName @ Oct. 03 2015,20:04)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 03 2015,20:56)

Do you even know what 'symmetrical' and 'asymmetrical' mean?
Likewise with 'identical'.

Stop preening and posing and address the issues.

Of course,I knew those words on the context of my new discoveries..

Thus, I have science and you just cannot accept them..

I don't care...

So those words mean something different from their usual meanings when used in the context of your discovery.
Well, that's just wrong.
That's not how you do science, that's not how you communicate.

Symmetry and Asymmetry are general and relatively broad concepts with wide application.
Your use of the terms amounts to abuse, for you do not establish the axis nor the dimension for which symmetry/asymmetry is claimed.

Aside from all that, no, you have no science.  No specific identifiable phenomenon.  No evidence.  No logic.  No coherence.
Nothing but a hyper-excited convulsive rant that spins out ever more frantic appeals to "See how brilliant I am!  I must be, because you don't understand it, but you will!!  Then you'll see!!!"

Hardly worthy of attention.
But if you truly don't care, why are you so emotionally invested in spewing your nonsense here, there, and everywhere?  Or is "don't care" another one of those phrases that means something 'special' in the context of your "theory"?

Remember that you are talking to a scientist and discoverer (it's me) in where all of my basis are in my new discoveries..

If you did not take note about that, you will surely get lost...

Of course I am a brilliant for if I am not, why should I wrote science books and fool myself?  Unless someone in this 7 billions of people could tell me which is the real intelligence that is too different from me, I am still genius and I am proud of that.

That is why SMASH my new discoveries and do it for me, write them in books, publish them and I will buy if you can so that I can delete all of my science books and videos in YouTube... I dare you to do it in the name of science....

Yes, I don't care about those people who oppose me with no science.

  1252 replies since Sep. 30 2015,06:36 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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