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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 01 2015,19:50   

I have been studying what Andre Fenton has more recently been writing and I found this evidence, which just happens to support the model:
Overall, the frequency of “silence” was about 40%).

The word "silent" was added to where it belongs in program comments:

Code Sample
Calculate Concordant Pairs at each Place in the Network.
For a biological example see "Dynamic Grouping of Hippocampal Neural Activity During Cognitive Control of Two Spatial Frames"
For the code below a "Concordant Pair" is two neighboring sectors between different places staying in time, one on other off.
Both signaling at the same time or not at all makes it a "Discordant Pair" that is not staying in proper time with the other.
In this model there is a "tendency for an excess of concordant cell pairs" of 60% when an information rich map is doing well.
When the program is first started the up to 82% concordance indicates that an attract location exists but no map information.
Much below 60% indicates that the network is having a hard time resolving useful information, it's then more often shocked.
[b]What most lowers concordance are too many silent map locations (room+arena avoids) blocking the attractor location signal.[/b]
At 60% is an ideal amount of map information and condant pairs for the network to solve the spatial logic problem given.
Click the Vector Option "0 and 1" to see readings for both frames/cycles, "1 only" is normally the greater of the two.
This cordance can be used to gauge confidence for another system that adds the cellular behavior that controls timing.
Outer two places in the network are not included in the total shown on the screen, only fully active center is used.
In the ID Lab-5 default cell behavior is set by the TrainBehaviorRAM subroutine below, runtime changed by Data list.
If the cell level behavior were included then that system would intelligently take care of all the tweaking, for us.
In biology the cell level behavior is from a millions of year old genetic level behavior system, which can be added.
The Design form stands in for what would be regulated by growth hormones and other factors influencing a morphology.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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