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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 16 2015,21:00   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ July 16 2015,19:50)
Quote (Jim_Wynne @ July 14 2015,09:37)
One of the basic things that GG doesn't understand about science (one of many) is the value of failure........

In order to get an idea of how it works I ended up needing to try the navigational network BehaviorRAM around 1000 different ways. With at least ten times more of tweaking needed for a good understanding of what works best I'm considering adding the cellular level intelligence that in a real brain the neurons each add to the system. That requires knowing what the cells are training on. But I have a hunch that would make it a day's work to code.

There is a chance this idea might fail. But if it doesn't then I will have a two intelligence level model that will figure all that out on its own, way better than I probably ever could, for it. Only way to know whether it works or not is add it to the model I have right now.

At this point I have much more stable code and better behavior, but what is preprogrammed into the Behavior RAM is still a best guess by me. There is also the paper showing a "tendency for an excess of concordant cell pairs" with ideal ratios I would like to show are in the computer model too. In this case I am honestly not exactly sure of the biological neuroscience that goes with it. I only know that I have much the same going on in the propagation waves when all the places are that time timed well enough for the critter to have no problem avoiding the moving hidden shock zone. Even where the idea of adding the cellular level intelligence does not work out it will be worth the effort. At least know that it doesn't, which is better than not not knowing either way.

Code debugging doesn't constitute failure in the sense I was using.  I have a feeling that if you could write out a sensible overview of what you would expect your program to do, a competent programmer could have it done in no more than half the time it takes you, and of course in a more efficient language and manner.  You have something that would be very impressive for an eighth-grade science fair, other than the fact that it's all wrong.

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT

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