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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 11 2015,10:40   

Quote (Jim_Wynne @ June 11 2015,08:12)
You can read the first few paragraphs of some things and know that they're crap.  I understand that.  My point with Gary is that he took someone else's crap, gave it a cursory scan and made his decision, which is exactly the same thing he criticizes others for doing with his "theory."  It's just blatant hypocrisy on his part.

Okay, fair point.

At , Gary is now trying to help out the ID/triune god guy, and gets two more evaluations of his not-a-theory:

RazD: "In other words you cannot state your theory simply. I looked at your '50 words or more' and all I see is wishful thinking, not a scientific hypothesis and certainly not a theory. "

NoNukes: "You don't have a theory. At best you have a hypothesis."

Seems to me that we've heard those conclusions before somewhere.

I'm anxiously awaiting Dubreuil's response to Gary: love at first sight, demonstration of the ability to detect BS anywhere but in his own work, or is he going to give Gary the same treatment that Gary has given poor old Edgar Postrado (i.e. ignoring his stuff completely)?  Gary, why should Dubreuil and the other people at the EvC forum pay any attention to your stuff when Postrado's stuff is more recent, more far-reaching, and more published?

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