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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2015,10:40   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ May 13 2015,06:56)
Quote (Woodbine @ May 13 2015,01:09)
So, what were the 'first intelligent living things', Gary.

Be specific.

It's in the theory and I don't have time to explain it all over again.  Enough is enough.

No it's not.
Yes, you do.
No, you have never 'explained' anything about intelligence.
We have  repeatedly shown that where your "theory" is clear, it is entirely incorrect.
Wherever it is not clear, it is vapid, uninformative, and vague to the point of 'not even wrong'.

Worse, you have never once identified just which 'features of the universe' are 'best explained' by 'intelligent cause'.
We have presented a host of phenomena generally considered to be features of the universe that are explicable solely by intelligent cause.
You have literally fled every opportunity to apply your "theory" to those case.
You have ignored the blatant fact that your "theory" explicit rejects a host of these phenomena as being explicable by 'intelligent cause'.  Surely that alone is sufficient grounds for composting the whole mess and starting over?
Or explaining why not.

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