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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Nov. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2015,02:57   

Darwinian theory and its EA's are to model "evolution" not "intelligence". It's the wrong theory to use in a "put the cart before the horse" way. The model for intelligence must come first, then Darwinian theory becomes an outside view of what on its own develops over time in its virtual environment without even needing "selection" and other variables.

I suppose your particular gods are the "intelligence" without "evolution". It is difficult what point you are making with this sentence.

As you haven't answered any of my other questions in a meaningful way, I'll risk asking another couple;

Can you give an example, with evidence, of an intelligence without a physical body which is subject to evolution (change over time)?

Can you demonstrate, again with evidence, that "intelligence" (your definition, if you have one) is the guiding force for "evolution" (as you see it)?

To sum up, you seem to believe that "intelligence" is needed before "evolution" can occur. This is just trying to force your particular gods into science.

If my translaton of your poor English isn't correct please try to explain it isn't without linking to your Not-science "theory

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