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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Sep. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2015,15:36   

The Whole Truth (Truth Bringer, Creodont) has gone ballistic at TSZ and is now only the second person to have his posting privileges suspended.  Here is the first paragraph of his rant against a comment that Barry was justified in banning Truth Bringer in response to his uncalled for rant against Gordo.

“…Truth Bringer, who deserved to be banned).”

Oh really?

I’m truthbringer.

So, two-faced backstabber, I deserved to be banned for defending myself and others against [redacted AF]’ lies and false accusations? It’s pretty funny that you’re bitching to mung about [redacted AF]’ unsubstantiated accusations against Elizabeth Liddle, and arrington ignoring the accusations, and arrington banning Piotr for speaking up, yet my speaking up and challenging [redacted AF] and arrington deserved my being banned? You’re fucked up.

He goes on complaining about both TSZ and AtBC. This comment was moved to Quano.

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