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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2015,21:29   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 11 2015,19:57)
Hey dimwit, a memory system that has no way to store data in it (via random or best "guess") is not able to "learn" anything at all. It remains forever empty!

It's not my fault that critics try to discredit the model by proving how ignorant they are, of even the basics.

Too precious for words: an 'addressable memory system' that is incapable of storing data is not an addressable memory system.  

Worse, memory storage does not involve "random or best guess" (regardless of whatever you meant by that).  Worse than that, "guessing" per se is not a diagnostic criterion of learning, nor of intelligence.  Learning from the outcome of guesses is another matter (learning from experience even more so), but you, in your total cluelessness, fail to state either of those options accurately.  "Confidence" is a very problematic way of referring to evaluation of outcomes.  To the extent that genomes can be said to evaluate and learn (a usage that you require to be able to talk of intelligence at levels below complex brains made of neurons), accumulation of information from success in meeting life's challenges does not inherently involve assessing levels of confidence, but at the lower levels merely and automatically results from differential reproductive success.

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