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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2015,13:38   

Quote (NoName @ April 11 2015,11:30)
You are distinctly not qualified to utter pronouncements on this matter seeing as how you are unwilling and unable to precisely specify what you mean by 'intelligence'.
We have shown that your purported explanation fails in the face of a number of phenomena widely taken to be best explained by intelligent agency.  We have shown that your purported explanation includes phenomena that are typically taken not to be signs of intelligence.

So, tl;dr version:  you don't know what you're talking about.
Same as it ever was.

That is a good example of a swellheaded response that completely avoids the real scientific issue, where the final judge is science itself and the real experts are those authoring the papers that have been explained in the science news I have good reason to be excited about too.

Educrats who would likely not even know what's going on in cognitive science these days without my having explained it to them should not be appointing themselves judges. The group-think can make it seem it's impossible for all of them to be wrong, even though having a problem with the most modern "grid" related terminology indicates not being current with what's now most being used to explained how intelligence works.

And by the way, cells have hexagonal networks with thousands or millions of locations inside "patches" that are known to process visual and other sensory information but the details for how that works are not yet known.

Mocking and ridiculing theory that truly does help explain something interesting to look for happening at the cellular and molecular levels only shows how scientifically useless the hidebound academic system I'm stuck having to deal with actually is. Even the Templeton Foundation only throws money at academic related corporations/institutions who only need to make everything look great on paper. All "individuals" who are outside of the traditional academic system get to drop dead from trying to do everything themselves.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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