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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Joe G

Posts: 12011
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 30 2015,11:38   

Quote (k.e.. @ Mar. 30 2015,08:58)
Quote (Glen Davidson @ Mar. 29 2015,22:54)
Quote (Joe G @ Mar. 29 2015,11:04)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Mar. 12 2014,14:09)

Stonehenge- design determined; further research to establish how, by whom, why and when.



A prehistoric village has been discovered in southern England that was likely home to the builders of Stonehenge, archaeologists announced on January 30, 2007 (read the full story).

The village, located 1.75 miles (2.8 kilometers) from the famous stone circle, includes eight wooden houses dated back to around 2500 B.C.

The remains of a cluster of homes include the outlines of floors, beds, and cupboards. Tools, jewelry, pottery, and human and animal bones were also found.


he's been corrected on this before, but in true creationist fashion he just rolls out the old, untrue tropes.

Richie creates a post that supports what I said and thinks it somehow refutes me- really?

Design was determined before they found that village, cupcake. That supports what I said.

Design detection is top down- first you determine it exists and then you try to answer the questions that follow from that.

Funny how design by humans is determined so differently than "design" in life is.

You find rational productions, like circular pots, straight (more or less) paths, simple shapes, useful artifacts, and you conclude design.

With life, you find high complexity, lack of rational solutions to problems (rather, adherence to past genetic inheritances), and not only completely useless life but utterly detrimental life forms, and IDiots conclude "design."

Of course, scientists don't.

Glen Davidson

Yeah well it's just a variation of the God bother-er on the door step stepping back mid-sentence and glancing at the home and saying 'someone build this place' - therefore god.

It's just very basic question begging (Petitio Principii for Joe who probably thinks I mean Joe is a beggar with a question :)
In the case of Stonehenge we don't need to ask if it was designed  its fucking self evident. We already intuitively have most of the answers regards design. We know there were human builders, materials brought from a distance and we have the plan/design which is 'the as built'. In other words the complete plan to manufacture a finished product and the finished product itself.

The building we now know was completed a few thousand years ago and not much has changed since it was built which is rather inconvenient for the Fundies bait and switch argument. In other words the once off design/as built IS THE DESIGN and THEREFORE THE once off DESIGNERS EXISTED.

Since we very reasonably in the case of human manufacture appear to quickly assume the conclusion 'design' therefore 'designed' what is the logical mis-step Fundies make?

They assume the conclusion (a god existed) without evidence i.e. no as built design. Try as they might the explanations from scientific inquiry prove far more satisfying than ....'oh some magic happened, palm reading, astrology or Overlords from Outer Space.  A simple confidence trick mostly, on their own weak minds which can't tell the difference between what is and isn't self evident.

Barry Arrington would be very proud of your "self-evident" style.

Congratulations- I will let him know

"Facts are Stupid"- Timothy Horton aka Occam's Afterbirth

"Genetic mutations aren't mistakes"-ID and Timothy Horton

Whales do not have tails. Water turns to ice via a molecular code-  Acartia bogart, TARD

YEC is more coherent than materialism and it's bastard child, evolutionism

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