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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 18 2015,09:40   

Quote (Glen Davidson @ Mar. 18 2015,17:21)
I love the "logic" of Sewell and the other UD think tank members.  Designed objects have not, and don't, just appear without intervention from intelligent human (or at least animal) beings, therefore there is a Designer.

Well, see, because it had to make reproducing organisms, which also don't appear from nothing, but reproduce themselves.  Because otherwise we have no explanation for their appearance--well, other than being born, hatching, or whatever.

So the utter absence of truly identifiable. manufactured Designed Objects from the Great Designer means that it must have designed organisms that just happen to reproduce themselves imperfectly with no help from the outside.  Because The Designer doesn't make anything like humans make, it must by analogy make something that humans do not make (except by reproducing), reproducing life.  I mean, you wouldn't expect a monolith or a spacecraft from intelligence, only entities that lack the sort of portability of design of known designers, and that fit into the same natural hereditary patterns found in "microevolution."  It just stands to reason.

Designed objects like houses and airplanes aren't made by anything but humans, therefore what has never been made by humans (at least de novo) must have been designed by a completely (otherwise) unobserved Designer, along with no identifiable non-life designed objects at all.  Can't you get that through your heads?

Glen Davidson

That old trope. It must be in Bible sales class 101. They come to my door with that 1000 serom stare in their eyes spruiking "Someone had to make this house, therefore God!"

They haven't graduated from the womb and yet they say they're reborn, from what? Mud?

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