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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 14 2014,21:37   

I must say though that I did not expect to wake up to such a reaction to my showing what using science to throw stones at other cultures and religions is contributing to.
I'll bet that you can't back up that interpretation.  As V.S. Naipaul noted in "Among the Believers", Islamic fundamentalists like the fruits of science well enough (medicines, electronics, etc.), although they don't much care for science and western technological (and thus military) superiority.  Nonetheless, science is fairly low on the list of things that they don't like about the west.

The US Homeland Security people and military see that sort of thing all the time, which makes it somewhat comical to discuss reporting me for showing everyday reality in another part of the world. I assumed that all knew that the "tard" type insults being thrown around are certainly no help to the people who are in charge of cleaning up the bloody messes in parts of the world I doubt we (at least not in our lifetimes) will ever see an Atheist convention held at.

Nobody is tossing tard-type insults at those people.  We are tossing them at you, which is entirely different.   Also, slightly tongue in cheek, your statement about atheist conferences depends in part on whether India's 172 million muslims count as part of the "Islamic Crescent" or not:  
January 3, 2007
World Atheist Conference from Jan 5
VIJAYAWADA: The three-day Sixth World Atheist Conference will begin here at Siddhartha auditorium at 11.30 p.m. from January 5 under the auspices of Atheist Centre, which was set up by freedom fighter and rationalist late Gora.

But before I start giving everyone at UD new IDeas (like book one with fancy invitation webpage showing the before picture of a now bombed out hotel that's free to go to but after realizing where they are they will pay everything they have just to get back alive) I better get back to work, again. I do though feel better now that all here are now able to share in what has helped put a damper on my holiday spirit.
There seems to be remarkably little interest at UD in your supposedly new and improved ID ideas, in fact just about the same as the amount of interest those guys express in Edgar Postrado's newer and even more improved version of ID, which according to your stated standards supersedes your own effluent and makes it obsolete.  Since you have not yet explained why anyone should pay attention to your older, less well publicized, obsolete version of ID as opposed to Edgar's newer and broader version, would you care to do so now?

  18634 replies since Oct. 31 2012,02:32 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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