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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2014,18:19   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Dec. 13 2014,18:58)
Quote (stevestory @ Dec. 13 2014,17:39)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Dec. 13 2014,15:22)
Quote (Lethean @ Dec. 13 2014,13:50)
Quote (stevestory @ Dec. 13 2014,12:56)
Quote (Lethean @ Dec. 13 2014,01:32)
Robert Byers

One doesn't need a other explanation before one demonstrates the failure of the existing hypothesis/theory.

that single sentence is true. we didn't need special relativity to show that there were cases where newton's laws were failing.

But we never throw away a useful theory just because it's imperfect. And 110 years after Special Relativity, we're still teaching Newton's Laws.

The analogy is junk, though, because Michaelson and Morley accomplished something, which the IDiots haven't done in the slightest.

I follow you and agree whole-heartedly. The reason I saved that quote (-mine if you will) over a year ago was because not only is it one of the most grammatically correct sentences I've ever seen Robert produce, in isolation it's one of the most correct statements I've ever heard him utter.

The reason I posted it was to show that even if Robert is abusing the concept to his own ends, even he seems to get what Gary does not after having it explained to him for the umpteenth time in the comments above.

Fine then. What goes by the name of "evolutionary theory" was just proven to be false by Robert Byers. Now prove that you are not a hypocrite by removing the failed "theory" from the public school classrooms.

What goes by the name of "evolutionary theory" was just proven to be false by Robert Byers.

No it wasn't. You have a hard time understanding english apparently.

Now prove that you are not a hypocrite by removing the failed "theory" from the public school classrooms.

Didn't you at least try to understand what I said? newton's laws are still taught, for a reason.

If you want to believe that "One doesn't need a other explanation before one demonstrates the failure of the existing hypothesis/theory" then your precious little theory just got proven to be false by someone who believes the same way you do.

You did a wonderful job of using the public school classrooms to mislead the general public, and now deserve the consequences of those very sinister actions.

Where?  How?  Evolutionary theory remains untouched by your nonsense.  You've not even made a credible attempt.

Do you never tire of showing yourself to be a hopeless moron?  Apparently not.
But this is blatant dishonesty even by your absurd standards.

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