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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2014,17:58   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Dec. 13 2014,15:55)
Quote (Texas Teach @ Dec. 13 2014,14:53)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Dec. 13 2014,14:22)
Quote (Lethean @ Dec. 13 2014,13:50)
Quote (stevestory @ Dec. 13 2014,12:56)
Quote (Lethean @ Dec. 13 2014,01:32)
Robert Byers

One doesn't need a other explanation before one demonstrates the failure of the existing hypothesis/theory.

that single sentence is true. we didn't need special relativity to show that there were cases where newton's laws were failing.

But we never throw away a useful theory just because it's imperfect. And 110 years after Special Relativity, we're still teaching Newton's Laws.

The analogy is junk, though, because Michaelson and Morley accomplished something, which the IDiots haven't done in the slightest.

I follow you and agree whole-heartedly. The reason I saved that quote (-mine if you will) over a year ago was because not only is it one of the most grammatically correct sentences I've ever seen Robert produce, in isolation it's one of the most correct statements I've ever heard him utter.

The reason I posted it was to show that even if Robert is abusing the concept to his own ends, even he seems to get what Gary does not after having it explained to him for the umpteenth time in the comments above.

Fine then. What goes by the name of "evolutionary theory" was just proven to be false by Robert Byers. Now prove that you are not a hypocrite by removing the failed "theory" from the public school classrooms.

We'll just take the word of a couple of Internet cranks on that shall we?  Just ignore hundreds of years of data because two guys who can't write a coherent paragraph between them say so?

As expected the hypocrisy is justified by changing the subject away from providing a computer model to explain how "intelligence" and "intelligent cause" works at all levels of biology. They just throw defamatory statements around while moving goalposts to suit their religious politics.

A person like myself can only take so much of this easy for them to get away with scam

Giggles, the subject was not "providing a computer model to explain how "intelligence" and "intelligent cause" works at all levels of biology".  The immediate subject was "What goes by the name of "evolutionary theory" was just proven to be false by Robert Byers. Now prove that you are not a hypocrite by removing the failed "theory" from the public school classrooms."  Please try to keep up with the adults.  Removing evolutionary theory from classrooms would be ridiculous, and is certainly not going to happen because it is spectacularly successful at explaining the diversity of life.  You could at least make up your mind about whether you are anti-evolution or not.

Aside from all that, the broader subject at the moment is your sad inability to understand that we do not need a theory of intelligence to replace yours because 1) we could show your ideas are crap simply because they violate all the science we already have, 2) your nonsense has no standing to be displaced from.  It is your unfounded opinion, and it doesn't get to play king of the hill until something else knocks it down.  3) we don't need an explanation of "intelligent cause" in the way you describe it, because you haven't actually shown that it exists.  We don't need a computer model to explain "intelligent cause" any more than we need one to explain unicorns, Santa Claus, or how a reptoid became the President of the United States.

Provide some evidence that any of your notions intersect with reality and we'll examine it.  Until then we get to mock you for delusions of relevance.

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin

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