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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 01 2014,10:19   

Quote (k.e.. @ Dec. 01 2014,07:06)
Quote (timothya @ Dec. 01 2014,14:21)
Barry Arrington's website statement:
Being a Christian gives me a standard of integrity far beyond what the world requires.

admits of four possible states, by his own analysis (meaning what he says about the ethical basis of his legal practice):
1. Barry meets and exceeds the Christian standard of integrity, and also (presumably) exceeds the world-required standard of integrity
2. Barry meets but does not exceed the Christian standard of integrity, and also (presumably) exceeds the world-required standard of integrity
3. Barry fails to meet the Christian standard of integrity, but does (presumably) meet the world-required standard of integrity
4. Barry fails to meet the Christian standard of integrity, and also fails (presumably) to meet the world-required standard of integrity

Since we have no information about what is required of Barry in the way of integrity, we are unable to decide which category of claim he is making.

Except, of course, that we can use the evidence of UD to decide.

Note that there is no evidence that Christian standards of integrity are higher than secular standards.

I see the problem bully has used the word integrity the same way he uses honesty.

You mean, like banning someone and then denying that he ever did that. Or like Mullings claiming that he doesn't have the "authority" to ban someone, but does have the "capability" to ban someone?

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