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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2014,10:04   

Quote (Joe G @ Sep. 12 2014,06:38)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Sep. 11 2014,20:46)
Quote (Joe G @ Sep. 11 2014,16:20)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Sep. 11 2014,16:17)
Quote (Joe G @ Sep. 11 2014,16:15)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Sep. 11 2014,16:11)
Sig for Sale:

Chubbs: ID is going stronger than ever

LoL! What a dipshit. Internet trends are not scientific evidence for the strength of ID.

How fucking desperate are you? Or is it ignorance?

ID is a cultural movement, always has been, always will be. It does no science, so it would be hard to show a decline in its scientific output. It has been found to be wanting by the public, its champions running from their big day in court and its followers exposed as  dishonest cretins.

ID is twitching Joe. Your inability to do anything scientific killed it.

Richie, you don't know what science is. ID makes scientifically testable claims, unlike evolutionism. The public only knows a cartoon version of ID and it definitely doesn't understand evolutionism nor the evidence. As for dishonest cretins, that fits you and all evolutionists.

You are twitching Richie and you couldn't understand science if your life depended on it. Evolutionism definitely doesn't have any science behind it. So fuck off.

It's funny, I've asked you to explain this dozens of times and you absolutely never have.

Oh, you say lots of things like "I already have" (yet never provide the link... or the link to your specified information in "aardvark" post, that was so precious) or "You're too stupid" (well, that's a matter of opinion, but I could be the second stupidest person on the planet and I'd still be smarter than you Joey).

So, Joe, why don't you slam out that ID curriculum you've been working for the last few years? Sure if you can explain it to a high school biology student, then you can explain it to us.

But no, we all know you won't. It doesn't matter if you can't or you're scared or whatever, the result is the same. You being loud and obnoxious and us laughing at you.

You know what, maybe others don't agree with me.  I'm fine with that. I'm not an expert in GAs... you aren't an expert in anything. If Wes says I'm wrong, fine, I'm wrong. Doesn't make you right. And, let's face it, if you said that it was raining outside, I still wouldn't believe you.

Kevin, fuck off. Why don't YOU slam out a blind watchmaker curriculum? Why don't YOU point to blind watchmaker research? Why don't YOU point to where blind watchmaker processes are used for something?

There already is a curriculum on evolution, dozens of them, including lab experiments and demonstrations that show the principles involved.

As far as "Blind watchmaker" evolution, you continue to attack a strawman. You use YOUR definition of Blind Watchmaker Evolution and then expect all of us to follow it. As if JoeG is THE authority on what words mean.

Joe, You're not even an authority on toaster repair.

But that's all ignoring the central question. YOU said you were developing a curriculum. IIRC (and, no I don't actually care) that you were also teaching a course in ID in Sunday School or something.

I'll even give you a break. Produce an ID curriculum that ANYONE is using that shows a SINGLE principle of ID.

You can't because it doesn't exist.

Almost Friday meltdown time. Does your prescription run out on Thursdays or something?

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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