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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2014,07:24   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 26 2014,21:39)
In case anyone is interested in a prediction from the Theory of Intelligent Design: This paragraph from the Spark of life: Metabolism appears in lab without cells article needs to change from
"I think this paper has really interesting connotations for the origins of life," says Matthew Powner at University College London. It hints at how more complex enzymes could have evolved, he says, because substances that made these early processes more efficient would have been selected for.

It hints at how sustainable metabolic pathways could have developed, [he says,] because of this complimenting existing evidence for a corresponding producer in a reciprocal producer/consumer relationship that is required for long-term perpetuation of metabolic systems.

The need for sustainable metabolic pathways is hardly a prediction of the "theory" of 'intelligent design'.
It is widely known and is a prediction of basic biology, regardless of the mechanisms by which life arose or by which life generates and proliferates species.

Your "theory" makes no predictions that are unique to it, that follow logically from its content, that inspire any research tasks or are likely to be fruitful in generating new and useful ideas.

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