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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2014,19:48   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 26 2014,20:40)
Quote (N.Wells @ April 26 2014,19:00)
Nowak, Evolutionary Dynamics, has a voluminous treatment of the mathematics of evolution: Gary would benefit from learning some of that as well (including Nowak's section on Learning Theory!).

No offense to their theory but I am only interested in cleanly shaven by Occam's razor cognitive models that apply to the origin of intelligent living things, can qualify and quantify intelligence, can model "intelligent cause" and easily leads to models that are of interest to other areas of science such as AI like the "Grid Cell Attractor Network for place avoidance spatial navigation".

Pity you don't have any of those things.
You are unable to 'qualify' intelligence.
You are unable to quantify it.
You appear unable to even see the circularity in using intelligence as a cause for the origination of intelligence.
You continue to misuse the term 'learning' when you apply it indiscriminately to any change over time.
You wouldn't recognize Occams razor while it was slitting your throat.  It has already sliced and diced your "theory" without raising a sweat.
You can't seem to make up your mind as to whether or not you are working in or with AI or if it represents one of your 'enemies'.
Nothing you do is of even the remotest interest to science -- other than perhaps that branch of psychology dealing with severe cognitive derangement.
342 pages of epic fail.

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