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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2014,14:23   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 26 2014,13:56)
Quote (N.Wells @ April 26 2014,13:21)
Also, you still haven't answered NoName's questions.

Then answer mine: How does natural and artificial selection differ from, or go above and beyond, the standard laws of chemistry and physics?

I want to see how you would answer that equivalent question.

A) BS, we asked first.  Quit evading.
B) NoName gave you a great answer
Evolution neither makes nor requires any changes to the laws of chemistry or physics.  It relies entirely upon them, and on the new behaviors that emerge at higher levels of complexity of organization of atoms and molecules [edited to add, such as organisms & the processes of life]. ......
A physiochemical basis for inheritance of traits, susceptible to greater and lesser changes from generation to generation, was predicted by Schrodinger in 1944 -- 'What Is Life?'.  That work is still a small masterpiece of science.  Its prediction was brilliantly confirmed with the discovery of DNA and its role in reproduction, and how it enables reproduction with variation.

Darwin took the obvious fact that different creatures differ one from another, even within their "kind", and the almost as obvious fact that creatures vary in their reproductive success to hypothesize the evolution of species by natural selection of individuals better suited to the current state of the ever-changing natural milieu.

C) Go read a textbook (Stearns & Hoekstra, Futuyma, etc.): it's not like we are refusing to elaborate about details, supporting evidence, and the important processes involving life the way you are.

ETA: I see NoName responded while I was off-site.  What he said.

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