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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Popper's Ghost


(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2006,05:53   

<quote>Now what was the serious discussion? What did “kevin from nyc” contribute?</quote>

I'm sorry, but that is so effing stupid that it's almost beyond my conprehension how your mind works.  Are you saying that any thread of over 700 posts doesn't contain any serious discussion because some troll is posting there?  Neither PZ nor I were referring to kevin's posts, you git.  Kevin hasn't posted here since the 25th, two days before PZ posted his comment about the discussion having <b>taken</b> a major upswing in seriousness.  How do you bear being such an intellectually dishonest scumbag?

<quote>In the second comment on this thread, PZ’s opening sentence is “Lenny is part of the problem”.</quote>

In response to B. Spitzer's comment about "‘Sides, Lenny’s going to show up any minute to shrug at everybody".  Indeed, Lenny's anti-intellectualism and bad faith tactics <i>are</i> part of the problem, as is your irrelevant garbage here about "kevin from nyc".

Now go ahead, say something else incredibly stupid and intellectually dishonest.

  19967 replies since Jan. 17 2006,08:38 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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