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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 27 2014,07:18   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 26 2014,22:55)
Quote (N.Wells @ Mar. 26 2014,21:09)
We aren't arguing over whether it works in your model, or whether Heiserman's definitions work for creating AI algorithms.

No we are not arguing that because David Heiserman's pertained to the underlying process that produces REAL intelligence, not ARTIFICIAL Intelligence.

Stop moving the goalposts, please.

Prove it.
Which you have not.  Ever.

You get some infinitesimal level of appreciation at PSC for your code.  But as we have shown, your code is entirely irrelevant to any aspect of biology.
You persist in your delusion that any model whose output matches some real process must, perforce, be implemented precisely as the real process is.
This is insane.  Not just wrong, not just delusional, not just stupid, although it is all three of those, it is out and out insane.
As we've also been pointing out.

Insofar as we are 'moving the goalposts', and you are the only one who thinks we are, we are pointing out that your shift of the goalposts away from biology and the facts of the natural world is inappropriate, unjustified, and doomed to failure.
Much like your life, btw.

You are not modeling cells.
You are not modeling the known processes or artifacts of perception.
You are not modeling any aspect of what we know about how creatures navigate, plan, or perceive their milieu.
Arguably, your central error here, as in your "theory" is your refusal to deal with goals.  Without the concept of 'goal' in your "models", you cannot account for why things behave nor can you account for any aspect of how they behave.

To repeat an earlier objection which you have failed to take on board -- just because the trajectory of a baseball in flight can be calculated using calculus does not mean that the player who catches, or fails to catch, the ball performed the calculations used in the model.  You operate as if you believe otherwise.  Yet there is a vast horde of hard data that shows that you are wrong.
Wrong about the baseball/calculus issue and wrong about every aspect of perceptual fields and path determination by moving beings.

  18634 replies since Oct. 31 2012,02:32 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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