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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 20 2014,09:44   

Quote (Quack @ Mar. 20 2014,17:29)
Quote (KevinB @ Mar. 19 2014,13:17)
Is niwrad going to change his "handle" to "notwen", since his mathematics is just as backwards as his biology?

Neil Rickert has alluded to the use of complex numbers in electrical engineering, and noted that in impedance calculations both resistance and reactance are measured in ohms, and "work" together when combined as complex numbers. "Joe" has jumped in and pointed out that      
Resistance and IMPEDENCE are measured in ohms.

which is true (when spelt right) but he has missed the salient point that all three quantities are measured in the same units.

What is deeper (and which has obviously escaped niwrad) is that the mapping of complex numbers onto the cartesian plane is a consequence of how complex numbers are defined, and that using complex numbers for impedance calculation is merely a convenient fiddle because the definition of complex arithmetic happens to right for the purpose.

I also note that niwrad has put "convection" instead of "convention" throughout a comment. Perhaps he's trying to boost circulation.  :)

I don't think impedance is synonymous with resistance.

On reflection it's too complex for them!

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