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  Topic: The Finest in Geocentric Models and Analysis, by Ghost of Paley< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 28 2006,09:59   


I AM listening but you aren't making sense to anyone, even yourself I suspect.

You haven't shown WHY the bonding orbital "emerges" from information space and the antibonding orbital doesn't. Like I said they really are very similar things, so if a bonding orbital emerges then so can a antibonding orbital. Like I said, energy differences and nodes won't help you. Also, for any bonded object to break that bond, the antibonding orbital needs to be populated in some fashion, if your antibonding is effectively in a different phase space to your bonding orbital then how does this happen? And QM doesn't help you here btw, energy/frequency space etc are simply different ways of dealing with the same problems.

Once again you are using concepts which you simply don't understand.



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