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  Topic: Just One Argument is Sufficient, Helium Gas to the Human Brain< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 13 2005,04:58   

From the Academic Credential thread, Evopeach wrote:
Pne more time for Eric and Julie who apparently can't read. I never, never implied that Helium was the abundant element in the universe except for the first moments in the BB theory and that is a matter of accepted theory unless you are one of the attendant idiots who believe that a proton is the same thing as a hydroden atom because electrons are not part of atoms and are actually illusory non-existant and unimportant particles.

If you do subscribe to the rather well established idea that electrons are necessary patrsd of atoms and not just the nucleus then you will read the several references or any reputable physics site on the BB and note that Helium was created as an ATOM not just an elementary particle and it preceeded atomic hydrogen (not just the nucleus proton). Hydrogen existed only as the isotope duterium and according to the same papers in lesser amounts than Helium. Lithium was a trace element.

Now very shortly after the "first few minutes" hydrogen atoms in toto were formed in enourmous quantity and still comprise 70% plus of all matter today.

If you can show me where I sais helium was the major constituent of the universe to day I will recant that , but you never will be able to do so.. period.

Electrons are part of the atom ... try to remember that fact.

So, a few things come to mind.  From your own source Evopeach,
The net result of the early nuclear reactions Big Bang Nucleosynthesis is to transform all of the neutrons, along with the necessary protons, into Helium nuclei plus traces of 2H (deuterium), 3He, 7Li, 6Li, 7Be.

Note the word "atom" is never used there.  In fact, they don't talk about the formation of atoms until 10^6 years after the big bang.
Era of Recombination
nuclei & electrons "recombine to form atoms
Universe becomes transparent
[Note: the 6 in 106 above is an exponent in the original.]

Also, why does the human brain have to form from He, if He was replaced by H as the most dominant element?  H then was fused into the heavier elements, including C, N, and O, which ultimately all came together to make our brains.  Your argument is completely vacuous.

  118 replies since Sep. 21 2005,10:16 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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