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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 16 2013,00:22   

You can't make this shit up.  

From the Professor Larry Moran supports the use of ID-compatible science textbooks in Texas classrooms thread:          
3 Mapou November 14, 2013 at 6:57 pm

   Decisions about what counts as science should not be a popularity contest. No matter how many people object, public schools must teach what the vast majority of scientists affirm as settled science.

Aside from the contradiction, which you pointed out, this is how those guys feel free to continue to lord it over the rest of us with their BS. In a democracy, everything, including science, should be decided at the ballot box. We, the public, pay for science and we should be the ones to decide what can and cannot be taught to our children, right or wrong. Anything else is elitism and tyranny.
5 Graham2 November 14, 2013 at 8:51 pm

we should be the ones to decide what can and cannot be taught to our children

I assume this is parody.
6 Mapou November 14, 2013 at 9:00 pm

Graham2 @5,

You must be one of the self-righteous elite, then. If so, you can go fly a kite. In my book, those who pay for a service are the bosses and the ones who work for the money are the servants, not the other way around.
7 Graham2 November 14, 2013 at 9:12 pm

Since my taxes pay for the teachers, I have decided that my child (and yours) should spend 8 hrs a day, every day, learning Homeopathy. And Scientology on Fridays. No scientific elite is getting in my way.
8 Mapou November 14, 2013 at 9:18 pm

Graham2, give it a rest. The context is democracy and the ballot box.
10 Mapou November 14, 2013 at 10:41 pm

As a followup to what was said above:

   And how often does it not happen that the proud and conceited judgment of an expert is put in its proper place by a layman! Numerous inventors built ‘impossible’ machines. Lawyers show again and again that an expert does not know what he is talking about. Scientists, especially physicians, frequently come to different results so that it is up to the relatives of the sick person (or the inhabitants of a certain area) to decide by vote about the procedure to be adopted. How often is science improved, and turned into new directions by non-scientific influences! it is up to us, it is up to the citizens of a free society to either accept the chauvinism of science without contradiction or to overcome it by the counterforce of public action. Public action was used against science by the Communists in China in the fifties, and it was again used, under very different circumstances, by some opponents of evolution in California in the seventies. Let us follow their example and let us free society from the strangling hold of an ideologically petrified science just as our ancestors freed us from the strangling hold of the One True Religion!

From “Against Method” by Paul Feyerabend (emphasis added)

I think the ID movement in the US should start collecting signatures and use the ballot box to their advantage.
14 Mapou November 15, 2013 at 12:25 pm

Thank you Dr. Torley. The only reason that those busybodies in the Darwinian and materialist camp don’t put cameras and microphones in our homes to monitor how we educate our children is that some of us are armed and determined to defend our freedom. We would not allow it.

So those pesky tyrannical nannies of materialism did the next best thing: they took over the schools so that they can indoctrinate our children without our consent. But that, too, can be fixed if the public is given the opportunity to vote on it.

I'm starting to wonder about Mapou's authenticity.  Either that or his sanity.

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