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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 30 2013,21:49   

Quote (Woodbine @ Sep. 30 2013,21:21)
He must think babies, toddlers, teenagers and adults are simply different varieties of humans - not that one develops from the other.

It's worse than that.  Every human fetus starts out as a single cell, then grows into a clump of cells which relies on diffusion to bring in nutrients and oxygen and get rid of wastes.  It has no circulatory system at all.

Then it develops capillaries, but no heart.  The fluid filled capillaries help diffusion.

Then a small portion of one capillary begins to twitch.  This begins very crude circulation.

Shortly after, one way valves form on each side of the twitching section and the fetus now has a one chambered heart which pumps fluid through the capillaries and the combination is an actual circulatory system.

I don't now the details on the next steps, but the fetus gradually develops a two chambered heart, then three and finally four, with two chambers pumping blood through the body and two chambers pumping blood through the lungs.

I understand that at birth some sort of valve(s) open/close to begin pumping blood through the lungs so the new baby can finally breathe air.

Yet, all of that is done in a single living individual which remains alive throughout the process.

As Niwrad points out, "No engineer on earth would make systems transforming themselves when they are [developing], because it is an engineering suicide."  

Therefore, humans were obviously not designed by an engineer.

P.S. Salvador, if you're reading this, you've thrown up species transforming into new species with more chambers in their hearts as if it was an evolution stopper.  This is a partial answer to that silly assertion.

  10669 replies since Aug. 31 2011,21:06 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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