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The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2013,15:22   

[Graffiti moved to Bathroom Wall. - Lou FCD]

Quote (Arctodus23 @ June 01 2013,07:14)
Quote (The whole truth @ June 01 2013,08:14)
Quote (Febble @ June 01 2013,02:36)
Quote (The whole truth @ May 31 2013,21:31)
If she were a man, would the photo have bothered you as much?

Speaking personally, no, it wouldn't.  That's because there is a huge assymmetry in the way society associates beauty with personal quality. Lack of youth or beauty, or can hamper a woman's career in a way that simply does not hamper a man's.  Look at any tv show.  How many elderly ugly men do you see?  How many elderly ugly women?  What do the scars of injury do to a man's charisma, as opposed to a woman's?

Scribbling on a photo seems a pretty shoot-yourself-in-the-foot tactic to me anyway, but yes, I do think it is more offensive to do it to a woman, especially a middle-aged woman, than to do it to a man.

Ah, so 'equality' for the sexes is a bad thing, even though women have loudly argued for it and bluntly demanded it for a long time. I guess I've been wrong for listening to women and for thinking and accepting that equality means equality.

Actually, lots of elderly women have done or are doing just fine in their TV or movie careers, and many other careers, whether they're considered "ugly" by anyone or not, e.g. Judi Dench, Queen Elizabeth, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Maggie Smith, and Betty White.

And when it comes to o'bleary's "career", I doubt that there's anything I could do to harm it more than she does.

By the way, I don't recall ever seeing or hearing anyone publicly denigrate Queen Elizabeth's looks but her son, Prince Charles, has been denigrated a LOT (in print and pictures) about his looks, especially his ears, and he's certainly not the only man who has been very publicly picked on about his looks, in print, altered photos, and exaggerated, deliberately insulting drawings.

"That's because there is a huge assymmetry in the way society associates beauty with personal quality. Lack of youth or beauty, or can hamper a woman's career in a way that simply does not hamper a man's."

Generally speaking, I strongly disagree that a lack of youth or beauty can (or does) hamper a woman's career in a way that simply does not hamper a man's, if the man or woman are in essentially the same position in the same field. Sure, there are instances where society or employers wrongly discriminate against women because of their lack of "beauty" but there are just as many instances where men are discriminated against for the same reason. Being a man isn't as discrimination free and cushy as you seem to think it is.

Case in point: Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey. He's a middle aged politician that some people think will run for president of the USA in 2014, but he is constantly picked on because of his excess weight ("lack of beauty") even though weight has absolutely nothing to do with being a good or bad governor or president. How fat he is is much more prominent in news stories about him than anything he does as a politician.

ETA: changed a few words in the next to the last paragraph.

Are you an MRA? Then, get an education. Picking on a person, that obviously is poor, disabled (mentally/physically), and doesn't have the resources to receive an education, is cowardly, two-faced, childish, and wrong.

What is an "MRA"?

If you really feel that "Picking on a person, that obviously is poor, disabled (mentally/physically), and doesn't have the resources to receive an education, is cowardly, two-faced, childish, and wrong.", then why are you here, and why aren't you jumping on everyone who has 'picked on' Gary Gaulin, yourself included?

And what the fuck gives you the idea that dense o'bleary or other IDiot-creationists are poor, physically disabled, and don't have the resources to receive an education? They're all obviously mentally disabled to at least some extent, so according to you, no one, including you, should be picking on any of them.

All the "education" that IDiot-creationists need, to be much more informed or to knowledgeably discuss/debate evolution, evolutionary theory, and many other aspects of nature and science is freely available to IDiot-creationists and anyone else, on the internet and in libraries. If they wanted to be educated they would be to a much greater extent than they are, and they would listen to people who are educated and who point out their IDiotic bullshit.

By the way, I'm physically disabled.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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