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  Topic: The Dawkins deficiency ?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
Joined: Aug. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2013,10:25   

Yet another "greatest hoax" type book from another YEC, Wayne Talbot. I've been arguing with this guy over on the unbelievable Facebook group, but to no avail. Much of the usual YEC claims on evolution repeated. Here's a "Christian" review of this book:

Seems Wayne isn't a biologist but has a background in IT:

Talbot has a background in Information Technology, which allows him to look at things from a slightly different perspective than other authors in areas such as irreducible complexity. He demonstrates a thorough understanding of evolution’s complexities, yet does a good job of explaining things without losing the average reader in the process. By comparison, this book is an easier read than Michael Behe’s book Darwin’s Black Box, but no less helpful. The author systematically goes through Dawkins’ book, covering the majority of the chapters. While there are a few spots where having Dawkins’ book in hand would be helpful, there’s no need to have a previous familiarity.

Here's his blog:

Who should read this book?

This book is suitable for anyone from high school onward. The scientific discussions are not overly deep, and the logic reasonably simple. In essence, if two evolution believing scientists, equally qualified in biology and genetics, disagree on whether some process is even possible, it is illogical to argue that the case of either side has been proven. When a Professor of Evolutionary Biology remarks: “It is important to ask, though, whether true evolutionary novelties actually arise by mutation. For example, can both a new enzyme and the regulatory system that modulates its production arise by mutation?” and is unable to answer his own question in the affirmative, I would contend that in his mind at least, the case for evolution is not proven. This book provides numerous examples of where evolutionists express doubt, and where geneticists demonstrate that evolution as envisaged by Charles Darwin is not biologically possible. Later chapters question whether evolution can explain the numerous non-material aspects of human existence, and show where some evolutionists even assert processes which are actually contrary to the case they are trying to make.

This sounds very familiar:

3.Evidence that random genetic mutation, theoretically fixed in a population by natural selection, can increase the genetic information consistent with the evolved coding system giving rise to more complex organisms

Now where have I heard that one before ?

  7 replies since May 08 2013,10:25 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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