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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Glen Davidson

Posts: 1100
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2013,12:20   

Kenneth Miller asked ID advocates to explain why the history of life gives the appearance of evolution, if species were really designed. I answered this with another question in this Evolution News and Views article: “Why does the history of technology give the appearance of evolution, when we know it was the result of intelligent design?” Again, score one point for the other side, but this argument is also not definitive, I gave one possible answer, others are possible.

Yes, technological evolution looks exactly the same as biologic change.  For instance, you see the changeover from diesels to nuclear propulsion in the 1950s, which is analogous with, well, you know, biological evolution.

OK, he's low on specifics, but he can sure say it over and over again like the village idiot.

Of course that's it, they always say it's similar, when everyone (except perhaps Byers) knows that biologic evolution is incredibly unlike the evolution of technology, notably in the fact that revolutions occur in the latter, not in the former*, but when you don't allow comments, control them, or ban inconvenient ones, well, you don't have to worry about what the evidence really shows.  Just blither on about "common designs from common designers (just the one, really)", and ignore the evidence in the room that order in biology is vastly different from that of technology, sort of, like, making sense in the light of evolution, at best only partial sense otherwise (like, the real issue of the cephalopod eye is that vertebrates and cephalopods in similar environments utilize different eye "designs," clearly not being designed for their lives, only derived from their limited ancestral possibilities).

Glen Davidson

*or they go back to the oldest and least "documented" occurrences, like the evolution of the bacterial flagellum--more or less an admission that little in evolution really is a problem to conceptualize as evolving.


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

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