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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2013,15:33   

Might as well post this gem from Denton (pre Destiny Denton)

There is another stringent condition which must be satisfied if a hierarchic pattern is to result as the end product of an evolutionary process: no ancestral forms can be permitted to survive. This can be seen by examining the tree diagram on page 135. If any of the ancestors X, Y, or Z, or if any of the hypothetical transitional connecting species stationed on the main branches of the tree, had survived and had therefore to be included in the classification scheme, the distinctness of the divisions would be blurred by intermediate or partially inclusive classes and what remained of the hierarchic pattern would be highly disordered.- Denton, “Evolution: A Theory in Crisis” page 136 (X, Y and Z are hypothetical parental node populations)

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

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