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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 31 2013,23:55   

Quote (midwifetoad @ Mar. 31 2013,19:26)
We don't condem you. As for myself  I feel sorry for you. After 40 years in the wilderness you are all alone with your pathetic bug that isn't as smart as my roombas and not even useful.

You haven't gained the support or respect of your natural allies in the ID movement, and their standards are pretty low.

You are so depressed at the moment that you can't tear yourself away from the internet long enough to improve your program.

In defense of the Discovery Institute I have to say that every time I needed help they are there to provide they came through for me. Robert Crowther sent a pdf to help explain where the premise came from so I know how to fairly credit its source. And before I came to this forum Casey gave me free legal advice in regard to what is legally over the line enough to easily win a case for that can come at me from places like this. Where reversed upon Wesley, it would be like someone anonymously calling campus security where they are working to report that their loss of mind is endangering the lives of all in the building they are in, when the truth that was stretched out of proportion is that they needed to use a small amount of flammable liquid to patch around the air conditioning unit that let water pour in every time it rained. That would be over the line, but with all that is involved in bringing it to court it's not an easy case to win. Best it blow over with any they might have been spreading rumors to having figured out what is really going on. In my case since it came from a forum anyone having to investigate such a thread would get to check out the theory at work, and get paid for it, so if they end up seeing why this would happen to me then the theory and I won there by it becoming something to tell others about at their office. Thankfully things did not get out of control. Casey answered my question with something close to what I expected, which turned out to be genuinely helpful for determining the best strategy for me to use. Can say "having someone to talk to" helped calm down my nerves enough to properly use even that to my advantage.

I cannot complain about how things are going elsewhere, and did get some work done on the program. After experimenting with a number of ways to time and organize the 5 form "modules" I finally yesterday got them just-right. When the circuit is on the screen it will now take it one step at a time with a RAM Read, RAM Write, and all other signal flow detail shown, both lobes at the same time. That would later make a nice video for YouTube to help conceptualize such things as where the guess is coming from in the circuit. Each of the 5 form modules can be taken one by one by clicking their command button(s) with the code that makes each step happen. Instead of showing a delay from Confidence to RAM it will show signal propagation able to take it's time addressing the motor data that (from the outside extroceptive stimuli signals) is on the other inner side of the brain where it attaches to the brain stem. There is of course no guarantee the step by step signal flow with on-screen form modules will work as well as the algorithm that took it one lobe at a time all at once, so it's a real test of how well the theory has the timing having to be. If this works then it will roughly match the sensory to (confidence gauging) awareness to motor, propagation times we experience.

Guesses happen on the brain stem Data side of RAM where there are motors that we can feel flexing but when practicing a sport or musical instrument many muscles coordinate things without our consciously commanding the signal flow from neuron to neuron to get all of their spikes to the muscles timed just right, by trying something different when we sense that they are not successful. It's not something we are always aware of, but without some way of changing the Data (that changes motor routine timing) we would be unable to improve upon the muscle coordination we were born with. It's not something that takes a genius to understand is needed in the circuit of anything that has to learn over time. This includes DNA based systems which normally successfully through sensory changed in response to their inner environment, over our multicellular development and that of our species where we are all one and the differences we do have are needed for such a complex society that requires specialized individuals not all good at the same thing, or think exactly alike either.

Anyhow, I just wanted to explain where I'm at with the program. And I do still hope Wesley gets over the scientifically necessary change in plan for ending the ID controversy. The science of it all makes it a if you can't beat them then best to join them sort of thing. But will say again that this is something the DI is powerless against, not surrender to what was there in the Dover trial. It's just that I can forgive the past and best I can hope for is they also like the way the theory is going. All signals are that they do, and I have to be honored by that alone, even where they are from the DI.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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