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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 29 2013,15:02   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 29 2013,07:55)
I can't help with the oxalate thing, but I remember you in 2008 looking more like your "after" picture than your "before" picture. You made rapid progress once you decided on a change.

Yeah, I lost 30 lbs in the year before you saw me in Chapel Hill, and about 20 more since. My waist has gone from a 40 to a 33. Just mostly by avoiding refined flour and especially liquid sugars of any kind, and cutting my vodka consumption in half.

Liquid sugar is really, really unhealthy, we're learning. A lot of the obesity problem in america results from the normalization of soda. An 8-oz coke was a once-a-week treat 50 years ago, and a 32-oz mountain dew is now considered part of a normal meal. A 'medium' soft drink I got from I think Hardees 6 months ago wouldn't fit in my car's cupholder. I remember reading, a few years ago, of a Coke exec's actual desire to have a Coke faucet in everyone's kitchen sink. That's insanity.

I still have the occasional soda, cookie, piece of pizza, bowl of farfalle with marinara, but they're occasional, not daily. If you have easy access to a grocery store, which many people don't, and learn some really rudimentary kitchen techniques, it's not hard to eat healthy. Stir-fry veggies with good spices and a little meat for flavor can be much more enjoyable then anything taco bell or mcdonalds has to offer.

I'm using, as inspiration, the fact that this guy is 9 years older than me:

so there's still hope. :-)

One of the best things about circuit training is it can take as little as 15 minutes, there's no monotony if you mix it up all the time, unlike 5-mile jogs, and even though it kicks your ass, you actually feel high for hours afterward. I've even thought about writing a small computer program that randomly picks 5-10 exercises from a list of 30, so that I never get the same workout twice.

  19967 replies since Jan. 17 2006,08:38 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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