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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 07 2013,08:27   

Joe, here's one that talks about measuring the kinetics (no, not kinetic energy) of a single molecule:

Although, since temperature is merely a measure of kinetic motion of a molecule and they can monitor one in the picosecond time frame, then a temperature measurement can be determined.

Here's one in which they 'melt' a single molecule of DNA:

How can that be Joe, since a single molecule can't be liquid according to you.

I already said that I had not stated the parameters perfectly and would have willingly accepted two different answers.  One of which makes sense because I described the system as closed.  The other is easily determinable with a google search on energy of water disassociation.

However, you, Joe completely failed to do any of that and instead tried to argue that "mol" equals "molecule".  This is typical of you, arguing about something that is well established (see information below) and trying to make it sound like you know what's going on.

It's painfully obvious to all of us that, until we laughed at you for it, you had no clue what a 'mol' was.  Sorry, but that's the simple truth.  You can bluster and scream and threaten all you want to, but that's the impression that everyone got... not just me.

If you would, perhaps, think things through before opening your mouth (or typing and hitting 'send'), then it would save you a lot of embarrassment.  You can still act like a jerk, I'd never try and take that away from you.  I'm merely suggesting that you learn about things before posting on them.  And posting someone else's comments with no context or verifiable evidence is not 'learning'.

As far as information

Information = meaning is a red herring.
1) scientists do not use it that way when talking about information.
2) It doesn't matter what everyone "thinks" it means.  Most of the people in the US think "theory" means "hypothesis".  That doesn't mean that "theory" DOES mean "hypothesis".  It just means that most people are ignorant (as you are about information).

I think you've inspired another blog post Joe.  Thanks.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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