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  Topic: Theonomy, Fundamentalism in action< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Dean Morrison

Posts: 216
Joined: Dec. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 01 2006,04:13   

Didn't the White South Africans also have a nice Dutch Baptist Church that held that Whites were naturally superior to Blacks ( something to do with Noah being found drunk and naked by his son - then getting angry and  putting a curse on the ' sons of Ham' I believe) - exactly the same set of beliefs that allowed White Americans from the Southern states to justify slavery.

The Dutch Reformed Church and Apartheid

They weren't keen on teaching evolution either:

Reclaiming humanity's past

Bringing South Africa’s ancient wonders to light didn’t always receive such encouragement. During the apartheid era, “I received absolutely no financial support from the government” for excavations, says Tobias. Strongly influenced by the conservative Dutch Reform Church, the apartheid government was loath to fund research on evolution“that contradicted the Bible,” he says. Moreover, Tobias and other researchers were often cut off from their colleagues overseas by the antiapartheid movement’s academic boycott. This made it “often impossible to attend conferences or to publish in many journals.” Perhaps no one has a better perspective on how things have changed here than Poppenpoel. In 1962, at the age of 17, Poppenpoel entered the field of archaeology at the only level allowed to blacks under apartheid: as a laborer. He was hired by Barbara Anthony, an archaeologist now retired from Harvard University. As they excavated a remote Stone Age site in the Western Cape province, “she continuously fed me with information and books,” Poppenpoel recalls, and within a year he “fell in love with archaeology.” After the dig, Anthony brought Poppenpoel to the South African Museum in Cape Town, where he helped her sort and analyze artifacts. One day at the museum he was approached by Raymond Inskeep, a renowned UCT archaeologist, who later moved to the University of Oxford, U.K. “He asked me if I’d like to go to the University of Cape Town to study archaeology.”

... see all the trouble it causes when you let those liberal nigger-lovers let them buggers out of the ditches where they belong!

I'm sure Whiter Shade of Paley would thoroughly approve of the old 'Dutch Reformed Church'. Shame White South Africa apartheid went down the plughole really - otherwise Paley's land could open an embassy there. That old Dutch Church is still going though so I guess Paley can still get down on his knees and pray to the same big old cloud fairy as them.

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