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  Topic: Ann Coulter and Anti-evolution, Is she good for the movement?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 18 2006,09:33   

I just saw a discussion about PZ's favorite gal on Lawrence Auster's blog. It appears that she's very controversial within conservative circles, and a notorious figure outside them. Here's the question: Regardless of your personal opinion of Ms. Coulter, do you think she's a good thing for the anti-evo movement from a strategic point of view? Furthermore, do you think her opinions are sincere? My opinion is that her trampy clothes, cocky attitude, and unbalanced prose do the creationist/ID movement no good. Furthermore, I suspect that she's only passionate about repealing gun-control legislation, and only espouses creationist ideas for $$$. Others obviously disagree, and I'm certainly willing to listen to their point of view. Flint, AFDave, Eric, Wes, and others -- what do you think? Dave, I'd like your opinion in particular.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

  48 replies since June 18 2006,09:33 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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