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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 24 2012,15:18   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Dec. 24 2012,10:42)
This theory only needs to explain what is in the earlier shown Introduction, the multilevel causation which begins in the behavior of matter. That is the part which allows science to answer bigger-questions pertaining to our origins where we even find a Chromosomal Adam and Eve to help stay in spirit with the hopes from religion, that it in time becomes scientific theory like right out of Genesis which completely shuts down all critics.

The latest model at Planet Source Code shows what the Theory of Intelligent Design looks like as a programming challenge to all, in a tougher forum than it looks. Something not working as advertised for everyone can get flamed into oblivion. The computer model had to genuinely prove it’s not all hype. But as you saw the programming community more or less put their faith in me to make sure to kick your butts real good, in your own scientific arena(s). I’m here following through for them. And in that process following through for those who likewise put faith in the theory and I, because of how it promised to help explain big-questions, in such a very faith-friendly way.

What makes this theory something that you have to respect is all of the different highly creative people who can find something “useful” in it. There are those driven to program the essence of intelligent life, who needed to know about the David Heiserman based intelligence algorithm and all else that makes it easy.

There are the musically talented who only want to take the big-questions to the limit. For going all the way to the afterlife questions Goth music culture gave us Black Veil Brides - In The End which earned an A+ in science, from me. It’s a description of something that logically flows from the Everything Is Energy video to conceptualize forever travel through time and space. There is a laws of conservation of energy compliant cyclic 3D wave universe possible where the Big Bang is at 0 volts on an oscilloscope, while measuring the oscillating waveform made by all of the energy in the entire universe behind it into anti-matter half of cycle. Waves from such an oscillator are expected to be incredibly identical but since there is a little antimatter in this universe it’s at the same time not a perfectly clean wave, exact repeat. So with all said, their message works with what there is for scientific theory. Better that, than not.

This year for Christmas the Goth music culture found a niche that can ultimately have a constructive and respectable influence on future religious culture. I do not exactly know what Kathy Martin will think of this but it’s still keeping the search for our creator going. And in the earlier days of religion were the great Gothic Cathedrals.

Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See

Once inspired, there is no telling where the Goth culture might next go, that impresses Kathy Martin too. As I see it she is the one being carried by a prophet who in real life imitating art is of course me. She is essentially being glorified by the metaphors.

The video includes marvelous Christian church scenes more indicative of Christian Rock bands, yet the Black Veiled Brides were able to get away with it. What she needs to see for the song and video to represent her is very much there. And she knows I’m from Massachusetts where before Halloween the Salem witches and legacies are a tourist industry.

When my oldest daughter was in school a Wicca way of thinking was very popular. Someone we know from having been at the house and such wrote a positive article for the school newspaper. It did not lead to a new religion either. In the Black Veiled Brides way of expressing things I have to see the pentagrams showing all that in time through theory led back to where Kathy is at that makes her so ID friendly, she got into epic trouble with “scientific community” for calling for a school board public hearing to see what the Discovery Institute had for theory.

All together in the collective intelligence of human culture there is religion which has traditions to keep going the most sacred knowledge of all, answers to the big-questions pertaining to our origins, at least attempt an answer. This includes scripture which remains the same Bible or Quran through time, not something updated. And there is science theory that is regularly updated.

How we could somehow be in the image of our Creator is one of the big-questions this theory provides a useful scientific answer. It’s not arguing against Genesis, it’s being in step with it. It’s what religious culture needs to stay going through time, without science ever stopping it.

During this time of the year is the tradition of Christmas. In addition to the many other things it also represents, there is the common message to through the children keep that and our most sacred knowledge going through time. This year the Goth music culture just in time for Christmas left what they can see as a gift to culture, that I had to in more detail explain for it to be a welcomed to the chorus of the Christmas Canon which repeats:

This night
We pray
Our lives
Will show
This dream
He had
Each child
Still knows

Where the children sing, Christmas has in it what keeps that and religion going through the generations:  

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon (Video)

And at the level of very rocking rock and roll, for a Christmas carol, is this version:

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon Rock

Christmas is religious culture celebrating keeping our most sacred knowledge going. The holiday has a scientific side for including useful theory found along the way for future generations to better understand the religion part that gets handed down as well. I can here see Christmas as a constructive part of human collective intelligence that I don’t mind helping to brighten. So Merry Christmas, to you and all, from another Christmas to remember.

I suspect that with this post, we have reached Peak Gary.

But as you saw the programming community more or less put their faith in me to make sure to kick your butts real good, in your own scientific arena(s). I’m here following through for them.

No, as we saw, this was the lengthiest response you got


1/8/2012 5:43:00 AM: bobghengiskhan
I know I am new to this site but really, I don't get it. Whilst I have no major issues with the code itself, the 30 page "documentation" (besides for some reason being supplied twice) seems to contain pages and pages of material that bear no obvious relationship to the program itself. And worse, makes it appear as if the publication of the code itself has more to do with some kind of pro Intelligent Design agenda (though not in any form that the Discovery Institute or its advocates would recognise, I am sure) than anything else.
For this reason, I feel that I must downgrade something that otherwise might be at least average.


1/13/2012 2:30:56 PM: bobghengiskhan

Anyway, I have said my piece and seen how you respond to criticism with insult, rather than a reasoned and rational rebuttal. Clearly your work was not worthy of my time and I stand by my score. Good day to you.

You are delusional, and I doubt you'll ever understand that.

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