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  Topic: Jerry Don Bauer's Thread, Lather, Rinse, Repeat< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Henry J

Posts: 5786
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2012,22:30   

So, saltations are our beginning point in ID. How did they get there as if someone or something etherally began to scatter new life forms across planet earth?

What saltations? Is there evidence somewhere that some species appeared without being a close relative of a nearby prior species? Keep in mind that low population species might not give us the courtesy of leaving fossils of themselves. Also species in areas that aren't conducive to fossilization are also apt to lack that sort of courtesy.

but has anybody ever scratched their head and said, wait....we may be wrong about this??

That's what competent scientists do all the time. If a theory doesn't work, they don't use it. If a theory isn't useful, they don't cling to a theory because they like it, or reject one due to dislike; likes and dislikes are not part of the criteria. (Where would global warming be if people had to like its conclusions for it to be acknowledged?) But the theory of evolution has been in use in research for over a century and a half, and there's no sign of a decline in usage of it.

Darwinian theory oversimplifies the process.

Are you kidding? The basic principles may be simple (variation and selection in a repeating loop), but changes in a species build on each other over time, so what's in the next generation is always contingent on what was in the previous generation.

True, intelligence has to be measured from the molecular intelligence (genome) level on up to our multicellular intelligence (brain) level.

What additional predictions of molecular or cellular behavior can be made due to insertion of the word "intelligence" in their descriptions, that can't be made without it? If there's not an addition prediction from doing that, then it only adds unnecessary complications to the subject.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

That's not a hypothesis, that's a claim that there is a hypothesis. To be a hypothesis, some set of observations has to be a logical consequence of the proposed hypothesis. In addition to that, a statement of a hypothesis should say what that hypothesis is, rather than contrasting it with another hypothesis.


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