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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 06 2012,07:47   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Nov. 06 2012,00:10)
Quote (Glen Davidson @ Nov. 05 2012,23:46)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Nov. 05 2012,22:10)
Quote (Woodbine @ Nov. 05 2012,21:54)
So, Gary.

Almost ten pages in and you are getting exactly the same response as the myriad other forums you've visited. For the umpteenth time your theory is being described as unreadable, incoherent, rambling, and your understanding of what a theory is and what it is supposed to do is, yet again, being called into question.

There's a pattern here, Gary....obviously something is going wrong. I see two possibilities here;

A) - You've been terribly unlucky in choosing the correct forum in which to present your work. I mean what else but bad luck could explain the fact that every time you post your work it is immediately shot down as being incoherent, unreadable and patently not a scientific theory?

B) - Your work actually is incoherent, unreadable and patently not a scientific theory.

On the balance of probabilities, Gary, which of the two options seems most likely to be true?

You helped convince me that I need to get back to work on unfinished software that at least science forums (as opposed to religion bashing forums) and programming community does in fact appreciate.  I'll still be responding here, but not bother much with the usual intellectual dishonesty.

You could try to give up some of the intellectual dishonesty, but we don't really expect it to happen.

Glen Davidson

Evidence please..

Like how, I've twice now pointed out flaws in your 'paper', that you have totally ignored except to insult me.

Like your fundamental misunderstanding of natural selection.  Evidence for the exponential increase in species in the Cambrian. And your totally useless graphs (which, BTW, is 3rd grade type of stuff).

So, will you address these areas?  It doesn't matter if I'm insane or not*, because those issues still exist.  If you don't address them, then no one is going to take you seriously (giggle).

* And if I am insane, I suspect is was reading your paper that drove me over the edge.  Karen Gillam can only do so much.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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