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The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 16 2006,10:15   

Interesting post by Steve Sailer on the paradox between Jewish achievement in science, art, and law vs. their embrace of daffy cultural and political trends. Part of it is simply the hyperabundance of ideas flowing from Jewish minds - if you spend enough time formulating hypotheses, some of them are bound to miss:
One of the fascinating aspects of Jewish culture, to me, has been the fact that we are everywhere on the ideological spectrum. The most prominent libertarians? Check. The most prominent communists? Check. The biggest neo-conservatives? Check. The biggest anti-war demonstrators? Check. Josh Marshall and Matthew Yglesias [well, both supported the war back in the beginning] are members of the tribe, but so are Kristol and Podhoretz. One of the reasons why it's so easy to come up with preposterous statements about Jews. in general, is that specific Jews can be found propagating almost any point of view imaginable -- and doing it well enough to be seen as a prominent figure in whatever movement they join.

Indeed. Similarly, the most anti-Communist English-language literary giant of the last 40 years, Tom Stoppard, discovered as a middle-aged man that he's 100% Jewish.

For example, here are two fairly honest depictions of two utopian groups that were diametrically opposed in politics but in which Jews played dominant roles: Students for a Democratic Society and the Ayn Randers:

There seems to be more to the story, however, and Sailer discusses it in some depth. I did find an interesting passage worth sharing:
It's a beautiful trip, full of chalet-like villages nestled in valleys. Churches are everywhere. Windmills circle in the breeze. On the train, everyone's friendly. Americans play video games or yap on cell phones; Germans read books. It's such a civilized country. Sitting on that train, listening to reassuring announcements, I tried to imagine how hard it must have been for German Jews to recognize the early days of you-know-what. Maybe that's why they took so long to get out. Good folks can't turn bad, can they? But they did, and they could again, and so could the Brits, and so could we.

[my emp]

Boy, aint that the truth! Funny thing is, there was a time when Americans would be quietly reading books next to the Germans. But as our society has abandoned one civilisational norm after another, we've reverted to a crude, self-centered ethos that rejects learning, quiet reflection, and respect for other people's rights in favor of an in-your-face brattishness. For example, I remember a time when people actually whispered in public libraries. No longer. Just this minute, I had to tell two gentlemen to take their ringing cell phones and loud conversation elsewhere. They started in on the usual outraged/hustling/angry minority bit but when they saw I wasn't fooled or intimidated, finally lapsed into a surly silence. But they could have just as easily been white --in fact, just the other day I had to shush a white "man" and his son who were noisily arguing about a homework assignment the child had apparently procrastinated on. Germans, appreciate your culture while you still can. Once you lose it, you can't get a new one at the dollar store.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

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