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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 03 2012,13:25   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Nov. 03 2012,07:44)
With the theory working out scientifically

For example?

For that example we must begin with the Kansas Board Of Education public hearing for the Theory of Intelligent Design as was also reported by PBS after the Discovery Institute followed official procedure to make a change in a few sentences, that did not change much but it's a "foot in the door" all took very seriously.  Their paperwork was all there, so the next step is to have an open to the public (I think they all are public anyway) hearing to explain it to everyone, then decision is later made whether to accept or reject the proposed changes.

The "majority" side of board wanted to not take it seriously.  The "minority" side much included Kathy.  She and others saw no harm in having the DI come to Kansas to personally answer all the questions the people she was elected to serve had for them and "scientists" who said something else about the theory at the center of the controversy.  The question was whether the theory needing state standards changes had any scientific merit/usefulness in the Kansas Public School science classrooms.  It was obvious that the theory was controversial but the way US education laws and ethics are concerned the taxpayer (in class represented by students teachers are paid to serve) must have the final say in whether it is science or not.

In this rare case "scientists" are legally and ethically way over the line by trying to circumvent that process.  Same goes for the Discovery Institute that gets equal time to answer questions from the public.

The boycott by "scientists" left the public hearing unresolved.  The KCFS forum became where the public issue went after that to hopefully be resolved through there instead.  It took years to get this far.  In hindsight Kathy and others who expected a "fair-hearing" for the theory can easily accept that it could not be decided right there.  We all needed patience to resolve this one, and by my later giving the theory a fair hearing at the KCFS forum, regardless of it making Jack and others nervous by giving the other side so many ideas and such that way.

It's still as bad now as it was way back then to try deciding this one for Kansas public school system.  Get back for a message the Metallica - King Nothing song, from signals you're trying to interfering.  I make sure that I don't expect public school taxpayers to treat me any differently.  I just put what I have on the proverbial table to be fairly judged, then hope it's liked.  I stayed out of trouble that way.

What "scientists" think of the theory, is here genuinely irrelevant.  And there is nothing wrong with that, science likes it messy anyway.  So the way the science game is played with this one, how well the theory is working out scientifically is up to the public school taxpayers to decide.  Neither student or teacher needs a special board hearing or permission to bring to class something they can find on Planet Source Code these days.  Don't need a journal tribunal just students and teachers who like it, and teachers do.  One of the best compliments used "jam packed" to describe it.  The theory has a little bit of everything, but not so much that it's beyond a good K-12 education level.  That's what's important, and why it's doing very well in science via science classroom and how-to community that loves that sort of model/theory too.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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