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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: June 16 2006,07:27   

Quote (afdave @ June 16 2006,12:02)
When the level of 14C in a sample becomes close to zero, it just can't be measured with accuracy.
You've got old information, Jeannot.  Modern AMS technology can detect it accurately down to around 0.025 pMC, 1/10 of the levels that we are talking about in the RATE samples.

In other words, the 0.25 pMC detected in the RATE coal samples (and by other scientists--do a quick literature search, Jeannot) is around 10X the accuracy threshhold of modern AMS equipment.

The amount detected in diamonds was around 5X the accuracy threshhold.

Dave, that's not the point.

Established radiometric procedure states that C14 dates cannot be accurately determined for dates older than ~50,000 years. That's nine half-lives, Dave. It's not that the equipment can't detect C14 at that level; it's that at those low levels, you can no longer control for environmental contamination from other sources. RATE says they can, but just like Humphreys and his Fenton Hill zircons, they simply cannot. Their assumptions are wrong, not the entire scientific community's.

Now I want you to pay attention to something, Dave. Beyond 50,000 years, C-14 dating is known to be inaccurate (not because the equipment can't detect low levels of C14). Now, look at the dates RATE assigns for its coal and diamond samples: 50,000 years. Do you suppose this is entirely coincidental?

There's a reason C14 is not used to date objects hundreds of millions of years old. It's because C14 dating is known to be useless for those kinds of ages. It's not because the amount of C14 in objects of those ages is undetectable. It's because there are other sources of C14 that cannot be controlled for at those low levels.

This is why you need to stay away from AiG and ICR, Dave. They repeatedly lie to you, because they know they can get away with it. But the problem is, you like being lied to.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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