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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: June 16 2006,06:41   

Quote (afdave @ June 16 2006,11:19)
That is total nonsense.   The truth is if you would actually study this experiment, that they picked this because it had already been drilled.  Did you not read that it was drilled in the 1970s in search of geothermal energy?

Gentry was just astute enough to notice that there was a lot of Helium in these zircons, so they got the idea to test the duffusion.

Why don't you do a literature to see if zircons in other locations have a lot of retained Helium?

In other words, Dave, Humphreys already knew the zircons would have a lot of He in them. He failed to eliminate all the non-magical reasons why there was still a lot of He in them, and leaped to the entirely unwarranted conclusion (already contradicted by other evidence) that the zircons were a few thousand years old.

Are you still amazed that the entire field of radiometric dating hasn't been overturned by the dubious results of this one experiment, Dave?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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