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  Topic: Media Alerts and Destroying Evolution, Discussion from PT "Media Alerts" thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 15 2006,10:33   

Darwinism has definitely become quite the religious faith.
What is your definition of Darwinism?

Yeah, but there are people in the field who don't agree.

A vanishingly small number, usually for religious reasons.

People shouldn't have to be qualified scientists to understand evolution. The problem is creationists demand a level of detailed explanation that requires advanced knowledge, becuase they assume that scientists are either incompetent or engaged in a conspiracy. To a creationist there is no book that proves evolution, and so at some point in the discussion the scientist will start on more advace topics and refer to specialist papers. It as usually at this point that they get called an arrogant elitist.

It's behavior like that that makes me wonder why the evolutionary side is so insecure?
Because they were specifically singling out evolution to give the impression that it is less supported than other scientific theories which it is not. I personally would welcome students being taught that all scientific theories are inferences from the evidence, should be critically considered etc etc. Singling out evolution in childrens minds is simply bad science, and scientists hate bad science.

So, there's no room for doubt, no room for questioning, no room for personal decision making after weighing evidence.  There's just...dogma.

I don't see how lying to students and saying evolution is less supported than it is helps either. It's a real shame that evolution is not covered as much in high school and that the textbooks tend to be behind current science. But again creationist parents will always say that their children are being indoctrinated not matter how much evidence is presented.

  114 replies since June 14 2006,18:46 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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