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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The whole truth

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Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: July 28 2012,03:12   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ July 27 2012,16:43)
Did you hear that cock crow Gordo?  
And, the timeline projected — here, across three million years (as though someone was ticking off on a diary) — is riddled with all sorts of circularities. And this is not just a matter of those despised silly Young Earth Creationists — note the “typical” adjectives that show another problem of projection of a programmed dismissal talking point string — who cannot accept the all but certain findings of “science.” If you cannot see and understand the circularities in geo-dating systems, you have a problem with basic inductive logic. (I have a lot more respect for say the dating of star clusters based on the physics of H-balls leading to the HR plot and the observed branch-points heading to the Giants branch. There are some assumptions in this, but there is nowhere near as much circularity in the system.)

Watch Gordo assert that because "geo-dating" is wrong he don't have to answer no specific points.

He makes it clear what he's after:
At no point has there been an actual empirical demonstration with actual direct observations and measurements of the actual facts.

Er, about that whole ID thing Gordo?
See the problem, and notice how you are lining up next to another objector who evidently does not understand the inductive logic of science?

I’ll let that stand for now.

That is what you have to face.

His entire argument seems to be this:
The pivotal problem is, no such thing has been SHOWN.

Nothing specific. Just "dating is wrong, therefore nothing like the claim can be shown".

You total utter coward Gordon E Mullings.

Let me clip 41 above again, for those who came in late (the links and emphases are there):

Clip it over and over, until you address a specific point with a specific rebuttal you just look like a fool when you claim "it's just wrong".

Selective hyper skepticism much Gordo?

Gordo thinks that his assertions and beliefs get an exemption from the demands he puts on science.

"The pivotal problem is, no such thing has been SHOWN."

Hey gordo, since you read this site and this thread, can you SHOW intelligent design in action, by a designer/god, in nature? Can you SHOW any testable, verifiable evidence of "intelligent design", by a designer/god, in nature? Can you SHOW how much "CSI" or "FSCO/I" is in a banana, a frog, a galaxy, and a golf ball passing through a garden hose? Can you SHOW "the designer"? Can you SHOW the alleged designing and creation of the universe and the Earth by your imaginary designer/god yhwh or any other alleged designer/god? Can you SHOW the alleged guy now referred to as jesus? Can you SHOW the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of the alleged guy referred to as jesus?

Can you SHOW any god or jesus performed miracles? Can you SHOW a person's so-called 'soul'? Can you SHOW that animals don't have souls? Can you SHOW that your imaginary designer/god yhwh is the 'is' that grounds 'ought'? Can you SHOW the alleged places called heaven and hell? Can you SHOW the alleged first humans now referred to as adam and eve? Can you SHOW your imaginary designer/god creating adam from dirt? Can you SHOW your imaginary designer/god creating eve from adam's rib? Can you SHOW where cain's wife came from? Can you SHOW a talking serpent or a magic fruit tree? Can you SHOW the alleged garden of eden?

Can you SHOW the alleged biblical flood? Can you SHOW people riding or eating or being eaten by dinosaurs? Can you SHOW that dinosaurs, people, trilobites, ammonites, brontotheres, creodonts, toothed birds, ichthyosaurs, pterosaurs and all other extinct and extant organisms all lived at the same time and were all represented on the alleged ark? Can you SHOW the alleged ark? Can you SHOW the alleged noah and his incestual family?

Can you SHOW how your imaginary god got the imaginary married virgin mary pregnant? Can you SHOW that the Earth is only 6 thousand years old? Can you SHOW that people used to live for over 900 years? Can you SHOW who allegedly begat whom? Can you SHOW that jesus and his disciples weren't homosexual? After all, they were "fishers of men".

Can you SHOW that humans were specially created by your imaginary designer/god yhwh and that humans did not and could not have evolved from an ape or ape-like ancestor and from earlier life forms? Were you there?

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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