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The whole truth

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Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: July 18 2012,05:06   

I think it should be pointed out that Mr. Leathers is not a leather belt. It's worse than that. gordo referred to Mr. Leathers as "good Guyana cane". Guyana is a producer of sugar cane, and lashes with a whip or cat o' nine tails (made of very sharp and tough sugar cane leaves) on bare skin was/is a traditional form of punishment in some countries, and in Guyana corporal punishment is legal.

There's something else though. gordo, as you will see a few paragraphs below, uses the phrase "six of the best...". Well, look what I found in Webster's online dictionary:

"Caning is a physical punishment (see that article for generalities and alternatives) consisting of a number of hits (known as "strokes" or "cuts") with a wooden cane, generally applied to the bare or clad buttocks (see spanking), shoulders, hand(s) (palm, rarely knuckles) or the soles of the feet (foot whipping). The size and flexibility of the cane itself and the number and mode of application of the strokes (usually more numerous and faster when wielding a light, flexible cane) vary significantly."

"The frequency and severity of canings in educational settings have varied greatly, often being determined by the written rules or unwritten traditions of the school. The western educational use of the cane dates principally to the late nineteenth century, in order to replace birching - which is only effective if applied to the bare flesh - with a form of punishment more suitable to contemporary sensibilities. For example, in some schools corporal punishment was administered solely by the headmaster, but in many English and Commonwealth private schools authority to punish was also given to other staff and even certain senior students (often called prefects). A typical punishment in an English primary school in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century consisted of one or two strokes on the hand. In many secondary schools in England and Wales it was in use, mainly for boys and only infrequent for girls, until the early 1980s, while elsewhere other implements prevailed, such as the Scottish tawse. In this setting it was more often administered to the clothed buttocks, typically with the student bent over a desk or chair, and usually with a maximum of six "strokes" (known as "six of the best"). Such a caning sometimes left a student with weals and bruises, making it painful to sit down for days after the caning."  (my emphasis)

Awhile back on UD gordo accused Elizabeth Liddle of "derailing a thread" and for that horrible crime (yeah, as if gordo never derails threads) he also accused her of having no "broughtupcy" (manners) and said:

"Can you understand how I feel like the parent having to correct a child who decides to act up in front of guests? [That noise you hear is foot tapping and old Mr Leathers being limbered up to be applied to the seat of learning with vigour. Six of the best is about right . . . ]"  (my emphasis)

So, Mr. Leathers is either a whip or cat o' nine tails made from sugar cane leaves or it's a wooden cane.

And yeah, that gordon elliott mullings who wants (threatened) to flog or beat EL with Mr. Leathers for allegedly "derailing a thread" on UD is the same gordon elliott mullings who accuses me of disrespecting a "decent woman" (o'leary the indecent catholic monster) and who repeatedly (and deceitfully) accuses me of threatening his family "mafioso-style".

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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